Sunday, May 17, 2020

Relationship Between Teacher And Students - 979 Words

Relationships in the classroom Building a relationship between the teacher and the student is not always easy, but it is necessary and important. In the first lecture of this course, the importance of a relationship between the teacher and the students was discussed [1]. Building a good relationship in the classroom setting is not only a tool for building a better learning environment, but also a way to make a teacher s work matter. If the relationship between the teacher and the student is bad, usually the student feels pushed out and rejected and therefore develops a bad relationship with the subject and with learning. A large body of research supports the idea that a good teacher-student relationship helps the students feel better and have higher academic achievements [2]-[5]. A good teacher, one that has a good relationship with his/her students can manage to instill a growth mindset in their students and help them achieve more also in the future, when the said teacher is not present anymore. Building a relationship takes time and effort, as humans do not immediately accept strangers in their lives and don t usually trust others unless that trust is earned. For a teacher, earning the trust of a student can be a very complicated process, based on different experiences and different views on various topics. There are three main factors that set the basis for the classroom relationships: the way in which we interact, the content of the interactions and the environmentShow MoreRelatedRelationship Between Teachers And Students Essay1017 Words   |  5 PagesRelationships between teachers and students are considered a quintessential part of the student’s academic and social success. Research has shown that, â€Å"positive teacher-student relationships evidenced by teachers reports of low conflict, a high degree of closeness and support, and little dependency have been shown to support students adjustment to school, contribute to their social skills, promote academic performance and foster students resiliency in academic performance.† (Rimm-KaufmanRead MorePositive Relationships Between Teachers And Students974 Words   |  4 Pagesbefore a group of students. Teaching is getting to know your students farther than academics, getting to know them personally so that you have a better understanding of who they are. The teacher and student combo that has the qualities of good communications, respect in the classroom, and show interest in teaching from the point of view of the teacher and learning from a student will establish a positive relationship in the classroom. 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